Overcome your addiction
and stop it forever
Your addiction is not your friend. You don't need it. Actually it is your enemy that you keep in your life.
Only a few people know the real cause of having an addiction and how to get rid of it forever. The real cause is the lack of love. That's the origin of everything. (suffering and happiness)
And the 2nd big secret that most people don't know: how to get love. If you have love in your life you will realize that this is what you need, and not your addiction. Your addiction is the substitute of it. Once you have the real thing that you really need (which is love) you will stop and reject the addiction. Why? Because you have what you really need. Your addiction ruins your life. But you stick to it. Why? Because we need love to live. If you don't have love, at least you have a substitute: your addiction that gives you the feeling of extasy for a short time. Then you need it again and again, more and more... and you are in an endless loop. What the addiction gives you is the illusion of love.
Ok, now we know the real cause of the problem. What can we do to change it?
Now we know that addiction is the illusion. All it gives you is the illusion, the kind of feeling of love. But what you really need is not the substance (it ruins your body, your mind and everything) but love. The main question is: How can you have love if you don't have it?
Actually the answer is simple, it has some steps:
1.) Generate love in yourself
2.) Become magnetic. (Love is what everybody needs.)
3.) Attract people to you who love you and vica-versa
Sounds simple, right?
But execution is not so... why? Because if it were so simple you would be clear already living in abundance surrounded with your dream partner and ideal friends, clients, family members, etc.
If this is not your reality, then you have some things to do.
What can you do to change your situation?
Now you know the reason. You also know the solution and the steps. Now you need to learn it, get help and do it. That's all on your part. I am here for you to do it with you as your online coach. Which one is better? Spend your time and money on a substance that gives you the illusion of what you want, or experience the real thing (love) and learn how to do it.
We can't learn it at school, from our parents, from our family, etc. Why? Because if we could addiction would not exist. But unfortunately it does, and requires lives.... and repels people to sickness, powerty, loosing everything: their job, their self-respect, their family and ultimately their life, or they live most of their lives being an addict and suffer.
Addiction is an escape from the harsh reality into the pink clouds. What if you can create a life that you love and enjoy living? It is possible! How? You can learn it! If you knew that it is possible for you and you can do it, (how to turn your life from suffering to joy naturally without addiction) then you would spend your time, money and effort learning and doing it. Would you?
What if you could create the life that you want living in reality? Would it make a change? At least now you know that it is possible and you can do it. Now it's your turn!
It you think that what I wrote here makes sense and you want to stop your addiction and start living a totally different life, transform and you are ready to invest time, money and energy into it, then send me a message and let's start.
Written by
Terez Szalontai