How to use the Law of Attraction to get high-ticket clients?

How did I get 4 new high-ticket clients in 2 weeks using the "Law of attraction" principles? I wrote a short blog article about it...

How did I get 4 new high-ticket clients in 2 weeks using the "Law of attraction" principles?
I wrote a short blog article about it, you can find it in my Facebook group here:

Synchronicity is really interesting. How the different circumstances play to your favour or I can say: how you can turn them to your favour?
A few month ago I watched a video from a millionaire coach about how she got to $100K / month. She simplified it to a mathematic equasion: if you have 2 clients/ week and you charge 12.5K for one client, you are at $100K. And in one year you are over $1M.
Sounds good, yes?

Of course it does. But I was thinking: Ok, it sounds good, but:
1.) What can I offer for $12.5K?
2.) Where do I find leads for this offer?
3.) How do I sell them my offer?

Do these questions sound familiar? Listening a millionaire coach is great, but how do you turn it to your reality? How do you do it on your own?
If I bought her course or Mastermind for $10-25K (or more) she would have said the same things then in her video: general advice. I heard all general advice from hundreds of coaches, because basically all keep saying and repeating the same things.

But my business is about me, my values, my life, my personality, that none of them knows.  (Only a few people really know me.)

So the problem was there and I had to find a solution. While working for my other client (I make her website, membership site and sales funnel in a CRM) she asked me to put a link to a text. She learnt from some teachers in the movie: "The Secret", so she asked me to find it on youtube and link it to the text.

I was searching on youtube for the movie and found it in 1 minute, even the full movie, not only the trailer. It is about 1.5 hour, not so long. I thought: "Oh, I have seen this movie quite a long time ago, also read the book, and Rhonda Byrne's other books too, some books from the authors of the movie, but it was several years ago. So many things happened and changed, and I know that the same movie or book can mean different in different situations. Maybe it's time for me to watch it again."
Have you experienced that the same message has different meaning in different situations and circumstances?

I didn't have more clients and students that day, so I had time. (I am a business strategy coach and an ESL teacher.)

I watched the movie and liked it. However it sound very familiar, I even know some sentences what they will say, because I kept watching their videos on youtube, and read their books, but not all in one like in the movie originally.

Then I was thinking about my first problem: How can I get high-ticket clients? Well... maybe I should connect and use the principles of the movie to this scenario. They give a lot of great ideas and real life examples.

I thought that I should combine the 2 and see what happens. I was thinking how I teach my students: I use books. On every level there are: a student book, that contains the principles and rules, a workbook that has a lot of exercises to practice, an audio library, that is the .mp3 that the students can listen and repeat, and a teachers' book with the keys and transcripts of the audio files.

So how do my students learn? First I teach them the principles and rules from the student book. (one unit) Then we practice them in the workbook (one unit) and we use the audio to listen and practice the pronounciation. This is how I teach and my students learn.

Now we have the movie and book: The secret. It teaches you the principles, and it has an audio, because it is a video on youtube. But it doesn't have one thing: a workbook to practice and to make it your own reality. My students can only speak if they have practiced it a lot.... understanding the principles is not enough. It just means one thing: they understand it. But it doesn't mean, that they can use it. For that they need a lot of practice that the workbook provides.

What should I do to combine them and make it a reality?
As a teacher (who I am) I have to create a workbook for "The secret" principles to put them into practice, really learn them, use them and make them a reality into my life, solving my specific problem in my situation.

This is what I did. As a teacher creating small exercises is in my little finger. I rewatched the movie, took notes of the most important principles and summarizing sentences, and created a short workbook for this. I also use charts and cheatsheets that I created for my students. These basic principles and sentences are the essence, that we lean on.

I started using the workbook almost every day, just as I suggest to my students. Write it, listen it, say it, see it. +I added: feel it, because it is about the law of attraction. (different than learning grammar rules)

In the first 2 weeks nothing happened. I started panicking that I wasted my time with creating the workbook watching, the movie several times, solving the exercises in the workbook almost daily, and nothing... ah... I was mad.

What should I do now? I keep doing the exercises, listen and watch the movie, and nothing happens. Well... there is some part of the movie that gives the answer to this. What it says is: keep doing it, everything will come in divine time. Don't stop and feel the result, feel good.

I inserted more feelings, imagined working with more high-ticket ideal clients, who come to me, and enjoying all these, all the process and the work with them. (just like with my existing clients and students)

After practicing like this I finished my workbook and started it again. At the end of the 2nd week I posted in a group and a person contacted me. We had a conversation, I talked to her about my services, and at the end after an hour she bought it for $12.5K

Wow! I thought I just have to be persistent. So I kept doing it and also offered my workbook to my new client. The next day 2 new leads came to my post, we had a conversation, and I closed both of them in one day. The 4th one came on the last day of the 2 weeks.

I gave my workbook to all of them. They did the same that I did, I taught them the basic principles and how to use my workbook. Since then they also get their high-ticket clients in a few weeks.

Wow! I thought: "It is amazing and it works!" Let's share it with the world and with coaches who need more high-ticket clients. I implemented the basic principles of the Law of attraction in my workbook for coaches to get high-ticket clients. Why? Because this was my problem that I wanted to solve. I tested it and it worked for me. I got clients, I gave them my workbook, they applied and it worked for them too.

Millions use or try to use the principles of the Law of attraction but the problem is, that the principles do not equal to reality. You need daily practice to make them real in your life. Just like my students: after I explain them the rules, all of them say: "Yes, Terez I understand it." But it doesn't mean, that they know it. They need 1-2 weeks (or more) practice and repetition to really know it. This is what I understood about "The secret". You have to practice it daily. As a teacher creating a workbook for it specifically for coaches like me with this goal: getting high-ticket clients was evident. This is how I implemented it.

If you are interested in using my workbook to get more high-ticket clients I can teach you how to use it, practice with me book a free call where I show you the first steps.

Why is it so effective?

It is very effective for 3 reasons:
1.) The power of focus
2.) Magnetism
3.) Directed Energy

You have a goal: getting high-ticket, ideal paying clients. How do you do that? What do you need? First of all you need a high-ticket offer (program, service) that you can sell for high-ticket. Then you need a lead-magnet that attracts them. You need to promote your lead magnet so they can find it. Then you have a messenger conversation with them to find out more. After that you either close the sale in messenger or in a call in Zoom. (or your freelancers do all these for you). I have built a team and outsource everything, so I can focus on the client work. If your client is happy and satisfied with your work, she will give you referrals.

Action steps to take using the Law of Attraction principles:

1.) Define your niche and ideal client
2.) Create your lead magnet and offer (programs, course)
3.) Promote your lead magnet
4.) Contact your leads
5.) Turn them to your paying client
6.) Onboard your clients

If you need help with:

- defining your niche, your ideal client
- create and price your high-ticket offer/service/package
- create your course and lead magnet
- promote your lead magnet (organic)
- get constant leads (10-20/day)
- warm them up
- script for the messenger conversation, for the sales call
- other help (motivation, mindset, accountability, advice)
don't hesitate to contact me for your FREE strategy call, where I can outline all these mapped out for your business.

My program is:
"Learn to manifest high-ticket clients" 3 month program (weekly one on one calls in Zoom live 60 minute/session) once a week
Total: 12 sessions

What do we do during the 3 month course?
What does it include?
What are the modules?

During the 3 month "Law of Attraction- get high-ticket clients" Mastermind we:
- map out the principles to your business and situation
- create your daily income producing, result oriented habits in accordance of "The secret" principles
- define and finetune your exact goals
- create your action plan
- we implement your action plan step by step

During this process we:
- create your lead magnet that attracts your ideal clients
- I teach you where and how to promote it
- you get the leads (10-20/ day)
- I teach you (and give you a personalized script) for your Messenger conversations to turn your leads to your clients
- I teach you and practice with you the sales call (if you use calls to close your leads)
- do these with you, motivate you and keep you accountable

As a result of this:

- you will be crystal clear about your goals and how to achieve them
- you will know exactly what to do (daily actions) to get results fast
- you will have 10-20 new leads every day
- you will have Messenger conversations with your leads who you can turn to your paying clients in 48 hours
- you make a sale of your high-ticket offer (program, course)
if you follow my guidelines, if you spend time with doing the actual work (about half an hour per day) or you outsource it, if you are cooperative and have your own basic motivation.

It is simple, but you have to do it to see the results. Dreaming about something is necessary but not enough. You have to take actions, as the Law of Attraction teaches:
1.) Ask
2.) Believe
3.) Receive

For this to work you have to know what to ask, what to believe and how to receive, what thoughts you should think and what actions you should take.

Written by
Terez Szalontai


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