Mental Fitness
October 16, 2021Feed your brain and heart
Change your mind- change your life
Your mind is in charge...
It has a direct impact on your money, life, relationships, how you make decisions and so on...
Understanding how your mind works and how you can influence it to think the right thoughts about you, about your abilities... why you continue to make the decisions that you do and learning how to re-wire your brain and maximize capacity and productivity will take your business to a whole new level.
Neuroscience has shown that most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behaviour depend on the 95% of brain activity that lies beyond conscious awareness, meaning that 95% (or as much as 99%) of your life comes from the programming in your subconscious mind.
This means that in order to call in the love of our life, create and maintain healthy relationships, draw abundance into our lifes and blos up our income on line we must operate from the 5% of the unfamiliar and uncomfortable... this is the conscious mind.
5%= conscious mind
95%= subconscious mindDuring my program, the Mental Fitness you will learn how to re-wire your braind through NLP practices and operate from your consciousness to your favor.
You will also learn how to show up in the online space in a way that attracts your soul aligned clients, generates revenue and creates consistency in your business.
Results you will get:
- clear, positive thinking- get another aspect
- fast decision making (no hesitation)
- self-confidence
- trust (first in yourself, then in others)
- relaxed mind, glorifying heart
- radiate love and trust --> attract high-ticket clients, your soulmate, improve your relationships, find new opportunities
- productive, work much faster and much more efficient
- see clear (your current situation, your goals and the way to get there, your action steps)
- have a well defined plan to map out your ideal life and the steps
Even more results:
- more open personality that stand for herself
- have more energy (phisical, mental and emotional)
- more active and energetic- physically - have more strength
- live and eat healthier, moisturise,
- have better and deeper sleep (no waking up during the night)
- wake up happy, ready for the day and energetic in the morning
- have a healthier, better shaped body
- rejuvenate, look and feel younger
- clean, organised environment (your room, flat or house)
Why? Because your close environment, surroundings are the reflection of you and your mind. If it is not clear, messy: this is how your environment looks: dirty and messy. But as soon as your mind and way of thinking becomes clear, your environment changes accordingly. (you clean it or hire a cleaning lady for this) --> now you will have energy for this, even if before you didn't.
What you get:
You will get the control and leadership back into your hands over your life, bad habits. You start to lead and direct most of the things (they don't slip out of your hand) that you can. This way you can release even your bad habits or addictions because you rule them and not the other way around. But for that first you have to control and rule your mind and emotions. That's what you learn and practice. 10 minute per day and you learn it in a few weeks. (can be different for people - this is the average)
As a result of all these- you will feel released, happier, healthier, under your own control, you get the leadership back over your life. Even if you live with other people (family or others). You will adapt easier and smooth and you will see changes in their behaviour and attitude too as a result of your changes in your attitude and behaviour. Everything starts with you.
Why aren't other methods so effective?
Very simple: because they are general. Does everybody have the same goals? Does everybody have the same environment, personality, education level? No. So why would we do the same meditation? You can find a lot on youtube and other places on the internet. But these meditations are for everybody. Personalization is missing. That's why our method is so effective: because it is personalized.
- a personalized 10 minute / day meditation exercise
- goal setting, daily to do list, action steps
- my personal one on one help and live calls in Zoom (weekly)
- cheatsheets, templates, forms (calendar, to do list)
- tailor made to your current situation, personality, business, lifestyle and goals
(highly personalized)
- in 8 weeks time frame (you can upgrade to the next level and continue)
- my personal support, daily contact, help, guidance, feedback, motivation, etc.
- ready made easy exercises (journaling, meditation, visualization, vision board, relaxation)
Written by
Terez Szalontai